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Traditional Fantasy

Reviews of books traditionally from the Fantasy genre, not Romance, and some science fiction.

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The Flight of the Griffin
C.M. Gray
The Butcher Bird
S. D. Sykes

Nice fairytale

Daughter of the Forest - Juliet Marillier

This story has a fairy tale tone, sort of like The Mists of Avalon or Snow White. In some ways it's very magical and has the feel of being set in a mock-Ireland that is at war with the English.


The main character is the seventh child of a seventh son and has healing abilities that are used to help a young English man who has been tortured by soldiers, but helped by her Druid brother and hidden in a cave. Of course complications arise so that she cannot care for him any longer.

The story depicts a battle of different types of spirits, one the benevolent spirit of the forest that guides and the other that appears in human form to disrupt the closeness of the family who practice a form of Pagan magic.


It got a little slow in the middle, but overall a good story.