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Traditional Fantasy

Reviews of books traditionally from the Fantasy genre, not Romance, and some science fiction.

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The Flight of the Griffin
C.M. Gray
The Butcher Bird
S. D. Sykes

Great Gaiman

Stardust - Neil Gaiman

I saw the movie before I read the book and that kind of spoiled it because a lot is different between them. I still enjoyed the book and consider it one of Gaiman's really good ones.


The premise is Tristan, a village boy, loves the stuck-up girl in town, but she only has eyes for a boy with her own surface values. She sets Tristan a task to get rid of him and it takes him to the forbidden place on the other side of the wall. Here there is magic, fairies, witches and a fallen star.


His quest takes him through adventures and touches on the secret of his mother, who he has never known.


In many ways it's a classic fairytale, but it covers some very original ground and is among the stories that I highly recommend.